Speaking & Retreats

I use experiences and stories to bring humor, wisdom, compassion, and vulnerability to the truths of God’s Word. I’m available to speak at numerous types of forums including: one-day or weekend retreats, conferences, MOPS groups, churches, bible studies, and small groups. I’m happy to provide suggested topics, or feel free to suggest one of your own. We can work together to discuss what best fits your group.

  • God will strengthen us in the most unlikely places, no matter what we’ve been through, what we’re in the middle of, or what we’re going to go through. Jesus told us we’d have troubles (John 16:33), but the beauty of it is, Jesus surrounds our troubles…with his peace and his overcoming. How does he do this and how can we give our all to him? Let’s walk together to discover what seeking, shaping, and strengthening a strong life in Christ looks like.

  • I use the book of Ruth, in surprising and revealing ways, to shine truth on what it means to follow Jesus and how and why we get off track. I’m a fan of the metaphor of sheep because I think they paint a perfect picture of following. The themes I cover include knowing, following, abiding, and cleaving which are all important characteristics of the believer’s journey.

  • Our strength in Christ is constantly being challenged by fear, perfectionism, comfort, placing priority on our feelings, among many other things. Together, we explore how to recognize threats, how we can overcome them, and build up a firm foundation in God and his Word.

  • The free gift of grace through our acceptance of Jesus’ redeeming death on the cross is the start of our faith walk. Grace is free, yet our life is anything but. Paul, and his teachings, urge us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. We explore the term “worthy” and what it looks like in our practical daily lives and how living worthily is an exciting part of our calling.

  • Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Add to it homeschooling and taking on adoptive trauma of 2 of 4 daughters, and I have a wealth of experience, strategies, and life lessons from the deepest of the trenches. Carrying on with an abiding trust that God works all things for good is not just a trite saying, it’s a lifeline of truth. I speak on these truths while giving practical guidance to parents who are “going through it.”

  • Who are Lois and Eunice in the Bible, and why and how can we follow in their footsteps to leave a meaningful legacy? Whether you have children or not, legacy is for everyone and it’s more valuable (and biblical) than you think.

  • Have you ever considered why we retire at 65? How did that become the magic number, and how do we view retirement? Do we settle in and look forward to more leisurely days? Sheri teaches how we can move, stay healthy, and continue to be relevant until we reach the ultimate destination. The adage, “age is just a number” is something we can take to heart as believers. Whether young or old, we all have a mission…at any age…we are all called to disciple the world around us. That’s an exciting proposition!

  • Can I be honest? I was asked to speak at a MOPs group on joy, and I rolled my eyes. There are times we hear a word or a topic and think it’s cliche or overdone, and that’s how I felt in that moment. And then I dove in, and oh, what a joy. God led me to one of my best talks and a heart message I’ll not soon forget. I told my husband, I won’t ever call God’s Word cliche again, to which he teased, “Wanna bet?” and then I got his eye roll.
